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That's a Food Job!

May 31, 2023

Graduating with a PhD can sometimes put you in a difficult position when trying to find a job when you graduate. You are highly educated but may not have the work expierence that employers are looking for. Sripad has made it to the other side and understands how both sides of the coin work. In this episode, Sripad...

May 10, 2023

On this episode, we interview Janice Groenheide, Cheesemaker and Owner of WalkaboutFarm. Join us as we discuss cheesemaking, what a cheesemaker does and misconceptions about the profession. 

May 3, 2023

On this episode, we interview Melody Ge, FSQA Director at StarKist Co. and Founder of the Women in Food Safety Group. Join us as we discuss what Melody's career journey, her approach to food safety and learn more about the Women in Food Safety Group.

Show Notes